Friday, February 3, 2012

Further information from the Build Front, Politics


This is a picture from inside the bowl, of the three new rooms

This is the Firestone storage cave. The dragons chew this to gain their fire breathing ability.

This is a cave for a smaller dragon, perhaps a green or a brown.

This is the riders room attached to the previously photographed cave.

This is the hatching room, where the Queens lay and hatch their eggs. I placed a clutch in the back corner.

The other end of the secret passage, as seen from the hatchery.

The interior of the passageway. I changed the torches to redstone because they are a bit dimmer, which adds to the feel.

I had to add some stairs to the passage, you'll see why in a bit.

It does indeed lead back to the Great Hall, it also leads...

To this secret room that is a source of great discovery in the books.
Now onto the political section of the post, I present this picture from Dropping the Science:
This is exactly how I feel about these comments. Also, Obama 2012.

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